anaconda install python Code Example - Your Answer
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Download anaconda for windows 10 python 3.6. Subscribe to RSS- Anaconda with Python 3 on bit Windows — Anaconda documentation
Please log in or register to add a comment. Please log in or register to answer this question. Solution 1: Utilize an environment with Python 3. Related questions. How to run a python program in Windows 10 command prompt. Anaconda version with Python 3. Upgrade to python 3. How to install sympy package in python. Which version of Python is suitable for Windows 10?
I think the Anaconda distribution of Python is the best option for problem solvers who want to use Python. Anaconda is free although the download is large which can take time and can be installed on school or work computers where you don't have administrator access or the ability to install new programs.
These three packages are very useful for problem solvers and will be discussed in subsequent chapters. Go to the following link: Anaconda. Download the most recent Python 3 release. At the time of writing, the most recent release was the Python 3.
Python 2. For problem solvers, select the Python 3. If you are unsure if your computer is running a bit or bit version of Windows, select bit as bit Windows is most common. You may be prompted to enter your email. At the beginning of the install, you need to click Next to confirm the installation. After the installation of Anaconda is complete, you can go to the Windows start menu and select the Anaconda Prompt.
This opens the Anaconda Prompt. Anaconda is the Python distribution and the Anaconda Prompt is a command line shell a program where you type in commands instead of using a mouse. Anaconda 5. Community Bot 1 1 1 silver badge.
Zhao J. Zhao 2, 1 1 gold badge 12 12 silver badges 11 11 bronze badges. Where does it say which python a version comes with? I would have expected this information to be provided in some description field for a package but don't see em to be able to find one.
Thanks — Confounded. Cleb Cleb Don't forget to remove 'source' on a windows machine : — colebrookson.
Your solution is the best one among all! Following this answer , this solution is working for me on windows 10, From the anaconda prompt : Create a custom environnement and specify the repository channel to find the version in my case 3. You can download anaconda from the archives. Shreyas Moolya Shreyas Moolya 3 3 silver badges 16 16 bronze badges. ChidanshM ChidanshM 23 3 3 bronze badges.
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